Focused Marketing that Gets Results


copy writing, email marketing

Persuasive copy writing that puts your client in the role of “hero”

Sales funnel, website development

A website that converts visitors into qualified leads, into customers

marketing strategy 

Marketing Strategy that gives you a satisfying return on investment

Market Your Business With Confidence. 

Every good business owner or marketing director is constantly asking themselves, How do I get more out of my marketing dollars? 

We start at the ground level by crafting a message that puts your customer at the center of the story. 

Then, we collect the hard data and insights so we can choose the right method of sharing your message, whether that’s no-cost social media or paid ads, events, trade shows, webinars, email marketing campaigns…you get the idea, there are 100+ ways.

We help you choose the approaches that will work for you, giving you a return on your investment that you feel good about.

Finally, we help you put it all together with marketing tools, automated communication (like email campaigns) that nurture leads through the sales funnel.

No more marketing efforts that don’t yield results. You’ll find the right clients without breaking the bank—and convert them without breaking your back.

First, Let’s Check Your Marketing Readiness.

We’ll chart your current progress against where you want to be.

How We Assess Your Readiness

We’ll meet with you and listen to all your plans and life goals, incorporating the Marketing Assessment to help create the plan. Then, we’ll go over your marketing strategy and conduct an in-depth analysis, showing you exactly where you stand and where you want to be.

Client Journey






Value Proposition





And more.

Then, We Hand-Craft Your Custom Plan.

No silver bullet approaches, just proven strategies that are easy to understand and follow. One insight at a time. One action at a time.

Market Research


Social Media


Weekly Strategy Sessions

ROI Discussions

We help you execute to perfection.

As your “outsourced marketing director/CMO and team” we will help you execute your strategy in practical, measurable ways, including the components on the left.

And, we support your plan, staying with you every step of the way.

After we present your plan, we regularly check in with you and review your current business realities, goals and outcomes to make sure you’re on track.

You Live your Life

Rest easy knowing your trusted guide is taking care of your marketing strategy. You’ll enjoy seeing the hard work you have invested pay off, giving you the life you worked so hard to achieve.

Call Whenever You Need Us

Whenever something comes up, we’ll be there to give you sound marketing advice. It can be anything from a big decision to a small campaign detail. We’ll apply Donald Miller’s Marketing Made Simple framework, to make sure you’re making the right moves to grow your business.

Our Process: Built Upon the Proven Frameworks of BUSINESS MADE SIMPLE and STORYBRAND.


The StoryBrand framework position you as the trusted guide and your customer as the hero of the story, leading to clear and compelling messaging.


The Marketing Made Simple approach puts relationship-building at the core of sales and marketing, helping you build relationships of trust. 


We are highly engaged with you and your team to help you find the insights that lead to growth. There’s no magic bullet, just hard work and experience leading to insights.


We help organizations make the world a better place while also realizing their greatest profitability. These are complementary pursuits—synergistic even.


Kind words from great clients & colleagues.

I had the pleasure of working with Marc. He is an exceptional leader with strong interpersonal skills, a unique capacity for empathy, and a high sense of integrity. His gentle demeanor and “win-win” approach at business negotiations and partner development are only eclipsed by his keen strategic mind and strong work ethic. He is team and service oriented and always mindful of the bottom line. Marc was an asset to our organization and I highly recommend him to any employer seeking a strong leader.

Principal Consultant 
Accendcio Consulting

Marc is one of the brightest minds I’ve ever worked with when it comes to branding, storytelling, and crafting a unique message. He understands how to clearly position and articulate a company’s values, beliefs, and core strengths, and tell it in a way that a consumer will comprehend. In my experience, it’s difficult to find someone who is both equally gifted in brand strategy, and creative direction, and Marc is exactly that.

Brad Boekestein, Senior Vice President

Allworth Financial

Great strategy and great interpersonal leadership advice and mentorship.
Marc is the real deal and super helpful.

Ruth Finsthwait, CEO and Founder

Sombrero Time and Spanish Curriculum

Excellent coach! Professional, insightful and experienced. Provides top leadership quality sessions that bring out the best in you. Working with Marc has given me and my organization direction and purpose which has put us at the next level for success.

Jamie Johnson, Executive Director

Marshall Foundation for Community Health

Marc has the unique ability of arriving at an organization and turning marketing chaos into revenue growth within a short amount of time. He quickly identifies short term opportunities to produce “quick wins” — while at the same time developing winning marketing strategies that are sustainable. The results of implementing his “marketing blueprint” are remarkable and I recommend him. Marc is a great leader and has been both a professional and personal mentor to me.

David Kolb, Director of Marketing

Cayuse, LLC

Over more than a decade, I’ve had the pleasure of working with Marc Fey in several professional capacities related to marketing, and I couldn’t be more impressed. Direct, proactive, creative, insightful and a natural leader who is a joy to be around, Marc brings integrity and vision to every project in which he’s involved.

Sean Harvey, Senior Writer

Allworth Financial

I had the pleasure of working with Marc both in my role at the The Institute for Digital Transformation and as a member of the board with itSMF USA. Marc was a great inspiration to me in terms of how marketing should really be done. He approached it authentically, creatively and with a commitment to do good, while promoting the brand effectively. And this approach produced significant results! I believe this stems from his character as a person. He is one of the nicest, most open, insightful and thoughtful people I’ve had the pleasure of meeting and with which to work. I highly endorse Marc on every level.

Charles Araujo, Principal Analyst

Intellyx, Best Selling Author

Marc and the team at MKF Strategic Marketing are passionate about their clients and producing results. Few marketing agencies put as much attention to detail and care for the customer experience as Marc; our partnership with MKF Strategic Marketing has been so rewarding!

Marisa Williams, CEO and Founder

W74 Marketing

Several years ago I went through the StoryBrand workshop. It was revolutionary in my approach to promotional material and for our website. But, I found it very difficult in writing my own copy. Marc Fey enabled me to finally articulate the answers to the 7 essential categories of story in order to upgrade our website.

Gary Barkalow, Founder

The Noble Heart

Forbes’ “Top 10 Qualities that Make a Great Leader” include the following: honesty, ability to delegate, communication, sense of humor, confidence, commitment, positive attitude, creativity, intuition, and ability to inspire. Without exception, Marc excels at all of these qualities. Finding the balance between fun and productivity can be elusive for many leaders, but not to him. Thus, his energized, affirmed, empowered team will go the extra mile to achieve objectives — and the results speak for themselves.

Stephanie Santos, Content Manager

Ivante Software (formerly Cherwell Software)

Clarity is what I was looking for with my Mortgage in Davis brand and “Clarity” is what I got with the helping hand of Marc Fey. Marc is a true professional and I am impressed with his endless availability and commitment to his clients. Stop wasting your $$$ on silly marketing and call Marc to help you put a plan in place to let the real fun begin. Enjoy the journey!

Marc Thompson

The Noble Heart

I have known and worked with Marc for ten years…he is first class in every way…

Michael Clifford, Founder and CEO

Significant Education

I have always appreciated Marc, his talent, and his passion. It was fantastic having him as a strategic member of my senior team. He is smart, capable and caring. Quite a combination. Marc has great vision and the ability to make that vision a reality. I really enjoyed working with him.

Steve Maegdlin, Founder/CEO

Executive Advisory Partners

“Awesome work and creativity! “

Mel Goebel, Executive Director, Founder

Life Relaunch, Men and Women